Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sneak Peek!

It's been a long time coming, but here is a sneak peek of a special little creature I call a Doan Dean. He will soon be looking for a home and will be up for adoption on my Etsy shop in the next few weeks.

Doan Dean might be a rock or he could be a flower. He has a few human characteristics. No one is quite sure where he comes from. He is nature's finest. He is made from all natural materials. His body is made from muslin dyed with coffee and tea. His flowers are wool felt and buffalo yarn that was gifted to me by special friends. His sweet little face is all cotton embroidery thread and he is filled with wool stuffing. Each Doan Dean will be one of a kind. There are no patterns.

This adorable little guy has a tear on his cheek symbolizing his desire to help wash away your cares. Doan Dean will help to fill your heart with joy and ease your burdens. That is a large job for such a small creature, but he has assured me he is up to the task.